How to resolve “Stopped due to failed SAP Connection: No RFC authorization for module ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION” error message

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When encountering error message similar to mentioned below, please follow below instructions.




Background Information / Cause:


If required authorization is missing in SAP profile of user, Process Runner will display the error message as above.


Suggested Solution:


Missing authorization should be added to SAP profile of the user. Only your SAP security team can do this (Innowera cannot help with this). Please contact your SAP security team and ask them to assign missing authorization by sending them error screenshot.


Also, it is recommended that you request the following profiles to ensure optimal performance of Process Runner.


SAP Auth Object

Function Group

Authorization of Function Group





This is not a complete list of required authorizations, if your issue is not resolved, please contact with screen shot of specific error message and steps performed prior to encountering the error message.




How to resolve “Connect to Message Server Failed” error message